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Contact Us
To Participate, Call or Email
Basic Questions
Subtitle(This is to build your bio/intro)
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Business Name
Job Title/Position
Web Site
Zip Code
Where were you born and raised?
Where have you lived?
If you went to college, where and what degree did you earn?
If you have a spouse, what is his/her/their name?
If you have children, what are their ages and names?
What kinds of pets do you have, if any? Names and breeds?
Do you volunteer? If so, where?*
What professional organizations do you belong to?
If you have won any professional awards, from what organization, name of award and year?
Have you changed careers? If so, what was your first career?
What was your first job ever?
What are your hobbies?
What is an interesting fact about you?
We are looking for complete sentences and plenty of detail for the following questions.
What exactly does your business do and what makes it unique?
What keeps you motivated in your career/business?*
What are you most proud of professionally?
What is your advice for young women in business?
How would you describe your perfect day off?
What is at the top of your bucket list?
What do you love most about your city?
Hidden gem (person, place, thing) in your city?
Off-the-wall Questions (one-word) You must choose at least 10. Have fun!
Sneakers or high heels
Recent binge-worthy TV show
Favorite sports team
Favorite board game
Favorite podcast
Favorite book genre
One museum you'd like to visit
Never-any-leftovers meal
One food you refuse to eat
Coffee shop drink order
Salty or sweet
Favorite kind of weather
Sound you love
Sound you hate
Camping or hotel